Damp – Are you suffering

Buildfix have spent years studying and investigating the causes of damp. Initially sold on the idea that most problems were caused by rising damp and installing a new chemical DPC, knocking off the plaster to a height of 1m, applying a waterproof cement render and finishing off with a gypsum top coat was the answer, Buildfix originally moved towards that solution as an additional business offering. The more we tried to understand what we were doing and why? the more we realised that “Rising Damp is a myth”. Don’t get me wrong Damp is a real problem, it blights the lives of many people and makes their living environment an unpleasant place to be but spending thousands on a Chemical DPC and cement render is not the answer.
Rising Damp is a MYTH!
An industry built on misleading information and sales people not qualified to diagnose the true problem. Since the 1960’s this industry has grown rapidly, we give you the evidence to prove rising damp is a myth, Chemical injection and waterproof render hide the problem and ruin buildings. We provide interviews from industry experts to back our statement. We’ll leave you to make your own mind up?
You don’t Need a chemically injected DPC
You don’t Need a water proof cement render
Penetrating or Condensation
Damp can be placed into two main categories, penetrating or condensation, the reasons as to why they happen can be a little more complicated. It has taken Buildfix years of investigation and research to identify the true causes of damp in a multitude of properties. Buildfix will, test, investigate and find the source of your problem. Buildifx will then provide a proper remedy for a long term fix.
Pre 1950’s Properties
The last seventy years have seen a wealth of building materials developed for today’s modern construction. Speed and cost effective application allow builders to erect properties in record time.
Unfortunately when applied to Pre 1950’s buildings they can destroy the fabric that holds them together. Different bricks, mortar and render need to be used along with traditional oils and paints to ensure your property can breath as it was designed to do
Call Buildfix for a true analysis of what is causing your damp 01785 472 023
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